Contemporary international gospel music team, Hillsong Worship serves us with a brand new album titled These Same Skies. This is a beautiful you must not miss, it’s set to lift you high in the spirit. Check out all the tracks below, listen and please share with others, you might be helping many to get blessed.
“That’s the power of Your Name
Just a mention makes a way
Giants fall and strongholds break
And there is healing That’s the power that I claim It’s the same that rolled the grave There’s no power like the
Mighty Name of Jesus” – Hillsong
01. That’s The Power
02. That’s The Power (Reprise)
03. Surrounds Me
04. Freedom
05. Hope Of The Ages
06. Never Walk Alone
07. Re surrender
08. Secret Place
09. Waiting (Spontaneous)
10. Song For His Presence
11. All To Him