God expects us not just to praise Him but to also worship Him in truth and in spirit. That’s why He said, in His word that stones would be raise up if no man worship or praise Him.
As a result of this, the talented and vibrant Christian music minister Uchendu as come up with a brand new and spirit filed sound titled Revival.
“A cry for the move of God across the nations of the earth. A passion to see the fire of God rekindled in our heart for the fulfilment of Heavenly mandate.” – Uchendu
Lyrics: Revival By Uchendu
You break bounds
You pull walls
Affliction flee
Tongue will roll
Dead bones breathe
By the power of revival
Things align
By the power of your words (2x)
Reviving power (eeh eeh)
Reviving wing, Reviving fire
Reviving words
Everything is possible by the power of your words (2x) (Revival, revival, revival)
Reviving power (Talitha cum)
Reviving wind, Reviving fire
Reviving words
And God said to Ezekiel, what do you see
And he responded I see bones
And God said by my power
I can make these bones come back alive again
Just picture that thing
The relationship, the situation
The job, the body where revival is needed
And by faith, you shall make it be
When the power of revival come upon the people
They begin to roll in tongues of fire
Let there be revival over and over again (8x)
Jesus, we need you now to let your revival flow
Over and over and over
And over and over again yeah
Over and over again
Let there be a revival
Over and over again
Let there be Revival now
Over and over again
Let there be Revival yeah
Over and over and over again
Jesus, we need you now
Over and over again
Let there be Revival
Over and over again
(Heavenly language)
Let there be a revival
Over and over again